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  • Writer's pictureMrs. Ladybug

How to plan your first marketing event

Calling all entrepreneurs! Have you been having trouble growing your business or gaining clients? There is no shame in admitting this, but you know you are not going to give up working hard for what you want. So, what are you going to do to meet a group of new potentials? Start hosting social marketing events. Hosting a marketing event is going to be hugely important for growing your business in many ways. It is useful in creating brand awareness, it benefits you by networking with likeminded individuals, and it helps to attract new prospective clients. Now keep in mind that if you are just starting out, you do not really have money to be hosting a big lavish event. You have to start small and economical, detailed and tasteful, fun and exciting. Here are some steps to consider when planning and hosting your first in person or virtual event.


Begin by deciding if you will be having a virtual event or an in-person event. Both can be successful if you plan it well. A virtual event is obviously a lot easier since there is less prep work, you can host it in the comfort of your home, and it is free. It also helps with gaining some experience when talking about your business with new people. There is something just a little less intense when you are talking to people through a screen rather than in person. Why you might ask? Because you can have your notes discreetly right in front of you. Plus, if you start to feel a little nervous, it is less obvious on screen than in person. However, hosting an in-person event at a venue also has incredible benefits. Your attendees are able to try your products, they can have a one-on-one consultation with you, and it is far more memorable when you all gather in the same place and enjoy each other’s company.


Once you have decided whether your event will be virtual or in-person, you have to start planning with sufficient time. You need time to plan, create, inform, and execute for a fruitful marketing event. For a virtual event, pick a date that is two weeks to a month away. For an in-person, you may have to plan with two to three months in advance. It may sound like three months is an excessive amount of time, but since it is depending on the venue you select and everyone’s availability, it is a reasonable timeframe.


When selecting the date and time for your event, you must try to be considerate of your attendee’s availability. For example, hosting your event at 9:00 A.M. on a Monday morning is probably inconvenient for most people. Whether the event is remote or onsite, do avoid selecting any date that lands on a holiday or long weekend since people will likely have other plans. Plan your event to take place on a regular Saturday or Sunday around late morning such as 11:00 A.M. This gives people time to enjoy their morning without any rush. For instance, a parent can get up and prep breakfast for the family and afterwards, sit down for half an hour to join your virtual event while the kids which Saturday morning cartoons. This is applicable for both virtual and in-person events.


Now, we already know the financial leeway of hosting a virtual event. So let us focus on an in-person event since this is ultimately what we are leading up to. Strive for this marketing event to be of little to no cost to you if possible. Find a location that is free of charge or at least affordable where you can use a designated space for an hour or two at the most. What would be a reasonable amount of money that you can spend on renting a space? Though it depends on what funds you have, try to keep the cost under $200. But again, there are places that you can achieve a successful event with no rental charge at all. For example, find a nice coffee shop and let the staff know that you would like to have a small gathering at their largest table. It is more than likely that they will not have a problem with that at all. Arrive early the day of and prep your table as best as you can to make it look eye-catchy, yet professional.


Alright! Date, time, and location has been set. Now it is time to create something really appealing to invite the masses to join your epic event. A promotional event flyer! You have to start spreading the word to everyone you know, to your local business, and on your social channels. Even if all the information is not set in stone, you want to start informing people ahead of time. If you enjoy being creative, then this will be fun and easy. If you are not the creative type, do not worry. There are plenty of ways of creating a flyer. This announcement should be a reflection of your business brand and should encapsulate the vibe of the event. Before you even consider hiring someone to do this for you, know that there are plenty of free templates that are already predesigned to help entrepreneurs get their content done quickly with minimum effort. Canva for example is an overall free app that is easy to use full of beautifully designed templates. Select a temple you like and start plugging in the details to your event. Adjust any colors that are not within your brands color scheme and make sure the text is easily legible. Finally, add a hook; something that will intrigue the ideal prospects to attend your event. For instance, if you are hosting a skincare event, entice the reader by stating that the first 3 to rsvp will receive a complimentary skincare product.


Do you have to have complimentary products for your attendees? Absolutely. This applies to both remote and onsite events. You have to be willing to invest on a little gift for those individuals who made the time to be present at your special event. It does not have to be anything elaborate. You can never go wrong with a little simple gift bag. Inside can be a cute pen, a pretty note pad, some samples of your product(s), and a business card attached to a Thank You note. For a virtual event, you will have to collect a mailing address for those who joined; which means you will need to take shipping costs into account. For an onsite event, you can give your guests their gifts individually. If your business is not something people can sample in person, say interior design, then you can also offer a raffle for a free consultation at the prospects home. It really depends on your business and what you are willing to spend, but do not show up empty handed.


Whether this is your first marketing event or your twentieth, it is always a good strategy to create FOMO; which means fear of missing out. A few ways you can do this is by making the event sound fun. If people think they are going to walk into a work-like meeting, it is unlikely anyone will be interested in attending. Make it sound fun when you talk about it and make it look fun on the promotional flyer. Another strategy is again by announcing a free give-away. Everyone loves the word “free” and it will catch more eyes than you think. Essentially, you should announce that the space is limited. The magic word “limited” gets people motivated to do something. For example, if you see your favorite makeup brand come out with a limited time item, it is going to fiercely tempt you. It is the same with events. If someone sees and hears about your event and they are intrigued, once they see that they do not have much time to rsvp, that will likely trigger them into reserving their spot sooner rather than later. 


Another huge ticket item that gets people interested are before and after photos. Though you may have an excellent pitch, a ton of samples, and a free consultation, people always want to know the bottom line. Does it work. Having some kind of evidence that your product and/or service does actually work is the selling point. If you are offering a solution to a problem, you have to prove that the solution works. Better yet, gather some testimonials if you can. Ask your friends and family to send their review. Testimonials and an album with before and after pictures will help you close the deal and gain that new client.


Let us fast forward to your grand day. It goes without say that you want to look the part. Instead of wearing a denim trouser paired with a t-shirt, go for something a little more upscale like a linen set. This is not just about first impressions; it is about leaving an agreeable lasting impression. You want your attendees to leave your event preferably as a new client, but remembering you so that they can start telling other people about your business. To ensure that they remember you, have a sign in sheet requesting names and emails so that you can follow up with them in the near future. Also remember to bring a generous amount of business cards. Since you are going to be busy talking and presenting, ask a friend or relative to come with you. This offers moral support and a behind the scenes photographer. Do not be camera shy and take a lot of pictures. Event photos are useful when planning your next event. Lastly, make sure to shine with confidence. This is so important because if you think about it, no one wants to invest in a brand whose owner does not appear to be optimistic or sure about what they are offering.


Though this is a post event step, do not overlook the follow up. This helps with keeping you in touch with the people that joined your event by building rapport. Be genuine and get to know your prospects better. Send them a personalized message expressing how much you appreciate them for attending your event. Add them to your email list for when you have a promotion and for when you launch something new. When your next event is on the calendar, extend an invitation to them. Perhaps they left your first event as a prospect, but after some relationship building between the two of you there is a better chance of converting them to a client.


In the end, if this is your first marketing event as an entrepreneur, you should be very proud of yourself no matter what the outcome is. With the right mindset, you will leave your event feeling empowered and excited to start planning the next one. You may consider taking these tips and even adding your own zing to it all. With each event you host, you will get better and better every time. Do not aim for perfection, just aim for getting it done. Always remember to have fun with it, stay positive, and make the most out of your event.

XoXo, Ody

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